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There are few vacuum scenarios worse than cleaning out a deep fryer. It's an industry that doesn't get a lot..

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Whether for a diesel engine or industrial blower assembly, air intakes in the 3" to 6" ID range can pose..

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As safety standards become more stringent and engineers and product designers look for more durable and versatile components, flame retardant..

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Outfitting your garage or dealership with garage exhaust hoses can be a sizable investment. By taking the time to pick..

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Designing a floor cleaning machine drain hose can be as simple as grabbing an off-the-shelf tube and plugging it into..

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When designing a buoyancy compensator, the tube design can often be overlooked. Most of the low to mid-range products on..

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Air intakes appear on all kinds of machines and vehicles. Many times, the ends have different sizes and the parts..

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